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Greater Tacoma Convention Center, Tacoma WA
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NSW 2024 Training: Climate Change & Forest Management

Silviculturists are on the front lines of ensuring that forests adapt to climate change. We hosted a special pre-workshop training on climate change as part of the National Silviculture Workshop. This four-hour training ensured participants gain up-to-date tools and resources to incorporate climate-adaptive practices into your management decisions. The training provided silviculturists and other land managers with the knowledge and tools to explictily consider climate change challenges and opportunities in the forests they manage. It featured innovative silvicultural practices and management strategies to foster resilient stands and landscapes into the future, using applications and lessons learned from the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change Network.

Topics covered:

  • Provide training on the ecological impacts of climate change
  • Develop climate-informed silvicultural strategies to meet diverse management objectives 
  • Provide decision-support tools for forest management planning under climate change

Download Training Slides (pdf)



Climate Change Impacts

Adaptation Workbook Resources

Additional materials