This document includes a set of adaptation strategies and approaches for non-forested wetlands that can be used by managers working on projects that support hydrologic function, vegetation management, ecological restoration, and infrastructure improvements. It is a supplemental topic to be used with the Adaptation Workbook (originally developed by the Climate Change Response Framework and published in the Forest Adaptation Resources: Climate Change Tools and Approaches for Land Managers).

  • Non-forested wetland: A wetland dominated by herbaceous and shrub species, with less than 25% cover of trees. Note: Some wetland types, such as muskegs, represent transitions between open and forested wetland communities. While many aspects of this menu will apply to these transitional wetlands, managers may also find it useful to pair this non-forested wetland menu with the menus for forests and forested watersheds (Swanston et al. 2016, Shannon et al. 2019).

This menu was developed in partnership with the Wisconsin initiative for Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science to help land managers consider climate change and increase the ability of non-forested wetland ecosystems to cope with climate change impacts. It does not provide specific recommendations, but rather serves as a decision-support tool for incorporating adaptation considerations into current management objectives. Learn more about this effort. Contact Danielle Shannon for more information.

Preferred citation: Staffen, A., O’Connor, R., Johnson, S.E., Shannon, P.D., Kearns, K., Zine, M., Sheehan, M.,
Fleener, J., Panci, H., Volkening, A. 2019. Climate Adaptation Strategies and Approaches for Conservation and
Management of Non-Forested Wetlands. Report NFCH-4. USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub. Houghton, MI:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Climate Hubs. 41 p. 

Read the entire Non-Forested Wetland menu

Read the 1 page summarized version of the Non-Forested Wetland menu